Online presence for Fashion + Design Festival FDFA
Online presence for Fashion + Design Festival FDFA
For the Fashion + Design Festival Arnhem (also known as FDFA) we designed and built a website that also serves as a mobile companion when visiting the festival. The website is designed mobile first with the idea that most people would use it as a web app. When visiting the festival visitors can see the activities on that day and on the map view where they are in relation to the locations.
To create a contrast between the great photography and colourful graphic design of the website, we drew stylized illustrations to be used as icons. We chose Ostia Antica Italic and Regular as the new fonts for the festival.
FDFA is a sort of "umbrella festival". Organisations that are participating in the festival produce their own activities. It was crucial for FDFA that the participants could create their own agenda items and locations on the website. So we build a system where organisations can make accounts to publish their content on the FDFA website.